Dear Alphastox Subscribers,
What a tumultuous past couple of weeks it’s been. With the collapse of Signature Bank and Silicon Valley Bank, it’s no wonder investors around the world are worried and clawing onto their savings looking for a safe place to put their hard-earned cash. It’s a tough time to be an investor right now, but with great risk comes great reward. Fortunes are made in times of heartbreak and disasters and as Warren Buffett says “be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy”, I think today is the perfect time to be invested in long duration assets with a long-term view.
While so many investors are asking themselves if keeping their cash in a bank is a safe place, there is one asset class that has been a safe haven for investors for the past 1000 years. GOLD. GOLD, GOLD, GOLD. It’s been an asset that has stayed the test of time for so many years. Even bitcoin bulls are slowly moving away from their digital assets and moving into something more tangible, and you can see it with the rise of the price of gold over the past couple of weeks hitting almost $2,000 per ounce! Investors are flocking towards the metal as they see GOLD as the only safe asset they can invest in and sleep at night.
But the trade isn’t just GOLD. It’s in the miners – that’s where we get the most leverage and it’s in the junior miners where investors can see potential 5-10 baggers over the course of the year. Even Robert Kiyosaki, a real-estate mogul and author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is putting his money in gold, check it out:
Robert Kiyosaki on Why He Keeps All His Wealth in Gold Instead of Cash (Part 15)
One of the best junior miners in my opinion is run by a very charismatic leader that will stop at nothing to generate substantial value for his shareholders. David Grondin is the CEO of TomaGold Corp. (TSXV:LOT) holds interests in five gold properties near the Chibougamau mining camp in northern Quebec: Obalski, Monster Lake East, Monster Lake West, Hazeur and Doda Lake, as well as a 24.5% interest through a joint venture with Evolution Mining Ltd. and New Gold Inc. in the Baird property, located near the Red Lake mining camp in Ontario. In addition, it owns a 100% interest in a lithium property and in the Star Lake rare earth elements property, located in the James Bay region of Quebec.
Here’s a brief background on David –
David Grondin has worked in the financial and mining sectors for over 20 years. He has been President and CEO of the Company since December 2011 and is a director of AM Resources. He was President and CEO of NQ Exploration Inc. from October 2007 to May 2018. He also acted as a financial analyst for CTI Capital Inc. from 1997 to 2000. Mr. Grondin has a bachelor degree in business administration (finance) from HEC Montréal and experience in initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions and reverse takeovers.
More on his team here: https://www.tomagoldcorp.com/en/company/management/
At a $4M market cap company and close to $3M in cash and marketable securities, Toma is getting ZERO value for their exploration assets.
Toma’s flagship project is their Obalski Project. The property consists of 74 claims covering an area of 2,740 hectares or 27 km2, located approximately 2 km south of Chibougamau, Quebec, in the heart of the Chibougamau mining camp. More on Obalski here: https://www.tomagoldcorp.com/en/projects/#ptabs-1
Toma has already proven that they’re able to find an asset, develop it and sell it to a much larger mining company (IamGold and their Monster Lake Project). Obalski is their next focus and you can be sure that IamGold and other larger mining companies are keeping a close eye on how their exploration efforts pan out this year.
As I mentioned above, LOT.V is getting absolutely ZERO value for ALL their projects. With around $3M in cash and marketable securities, Toma is perfectly positioned to generate substantial returns for their shareholders especially as the macro events continue to go their way.
More on all their projects here: https://www.tomagoldcorp.com/en/projects/
I am not sure if you all remember, but I first got involved with Toma back in 2012. David was still at the helm then. At that time, the mining market was in the toilet and yet David was able to turn Toma into one of the most excited junior gold companies on the market, taking the stock from $0.10 to a high of around $0.40 (if I remember correctly). He made a lot of investors a lot of money and he’s back at it again. Toma is his baby and he will stop at nothing to turn Toma into a massive success. With the price of gold skyrocketing and more and more savvy investors thinking it will go even higher, LOT.V needs to be on your radar screens right now.
There are a lot of videos of much smarter people than myself that think that the price of gold is going higher, just watch the video below:
Jan Van Eck: We’re at very beginning of several-year bull cycle for gold and bitcoin
Want to learn more about Toma? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with David Grondin at [email protected]
…and as always, I look forward to hearing from you.